God is in the Details
God IS in the details, He is always in the details. But let’s face it, when we find ourselves in the midst of a storm it is hard to see anything other than ourselves and circumstances. Most of the time we feel like our surroundings have swallowed us up and we don’t have the capacity to think of anything else.
I know we all can relate, everyone has been there….
Naomi was there. At first Naomi was oblivious to Ruth, she could only focus on herself. However, Ruth wasn’t preoccupied by what Naomi was or was not doing. Instead, Ruth stepped up and showed up. The moment Ruth took a step, God was right there waiting. What may have appeared to be a “happen chance” was God providing a way.
Ruth was swept away by the kindness of a stranger. A man she had never met, yet He seemed to notice her. Always a few steps ahead of her, Boaz would provide in ways that blessed Ruth. Whether it was protection from other men, food or provision, Boaz acted on her behalf. She never needed to ask him because He saw her needs before she did. His actions were pure and was motivated by concern. Boaz acted as her redeemer, paving a way to bring Ruth a new life.
As this beautiful story unfolds, we are brought back to our own stories. Realizing that Jesus is the ultimate redeemer for all of His people.
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through the deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through the rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”
Isaiah 43:1-3a
These verses are highlighted and underlined in my bible. August 28, 2022 is written by it. In a particularly difficult time in life, these verse brought me hope. As I read these words, they breathed life into what I felt at the time seemed hopeless. I didn’t see a way out, however, God did. Every day I would recite these promises to my soul like spoon feeding a baby. In my journal I wrote:
He has ransomed me.
He calls me by name and I am His.
He is with me.
Note: I.will.not.drown.
Another note: I.will.not.be.consumed.by.this.
Did you notice that the verse doesn’t say “IF” but rather “WHEN”? When we are afraid, when we are swimming in the depths of the water, when we are swimming upstream and when we feel the fire of oppression… remember… He is with YOU. He isn’t only with you, He is in the details, even if you cannot see it… yet.
If you are there, hanging on by a thread… take time to listen and journal. Place the oxygen mask on and just breath. Take these promises of God and recite them to yourself daily. Jesus is YOUR redeemer and He is not only with you but He is FOR you… providing a way….
"Do not be afraid, I have ransomed you
I have called you by name, you are mine
For I am your God, your Savior."