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Meant For Good (Week 6 Recap- December 13,2022)

Writer's picture: Monica KlineMonica Kline

Saying YES to God

I remember this well, sitting at my computer back in 2013. I felt the nudge from God to send an email to two of my friends, asking if they would want to be part of a bible study. If I am being honest, I was hesitant to press send. I was insecure and wondered what they would think of me. They didn’t attend church or own a bible and I am suppose to invite them to a bible study?! I hesitantly sent the email and to my surprise their response was, “I would love to!”. Ten years later that one "YES to God” - moved through me to many women who have walked through my front door over the last 10 years. Never did I think that one YES would change my life in such a profound way.

Fast ward to 2020. As the world was in lockdown, I had found ample time to spend with the Lord. This rich time was filled with memorable moments when I heard His whisper. He had been stirring in my heart the idea of hosting a day retreat for women outside of our bible study. I questioned and doubted what God was telling me. It wasn’t until I was in the book of Jonah where God spoke to me the loudest…

“The Lord gave this message to Jonah… 'Get up and GO'… “But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord.”

Jonah 1:1,3

You see, the Lord had been giving me a message to share with our group. The message was to GO and make disciples but I was stalling. I questioned and doubted. At times, fear would run through me, wondering what others would think. Thoughts would run through my mind, ones that would beckon me to head in the opposite direction to what God was telling me. It wasn’t until a dear friend redirected my thinking and confirmed what God was saying. That 'YES to God' is what lead us to our first Come As You Are event in 2022. With 100 ladies in attendance, our YES moved through our group, to many women who then said YES to God.

Our YESes matter and it is only by the hand of God that He can use our YES to impact the community around us.

So what is God saying to you?! Is He asking you to step out in faith and share it with someone else? Is He asking you to forgive that friend who recently offended you? How about asking you to lay something at His feet, to trust Him with your surrender? God is asking us to partner with Him. He is always working and it is our YES that enables us to join Him. If you are unsure of taking that step, seek a community of God loving Jesus girls and ask them to support and encourage you. Community is God’s idea … so use it and lean on your people to help you quiet the doubt and step in HIS way. After you say YES, sit back and watch what HE will do and how He will use it. I promise it will surpass what you think could happen… as He is always doing immeasurably more than we could ever fathom. ♡

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